Pinky Nails en Wayne

Estados UnidosPinky Nails



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37, Berdan Avenue, 07470, Wayne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-694-1335
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9616419, Longitude: -74.2417247

comentarios 5

  • en

    marie charles


    Went to this dump without first reading reviews Easter Eve. Paid $3 extra for longer lasting polish so that mani would last for one week per the post on the wall. Easter Sunday my nails started cracking and chipping. Monday was even worse, so I took pictures and went back to salon Tuesday. Owner refused to redo manicure talking about call OPI because that is their product. She blatantly refused to redo my nails. I told her as a first time customer she was behaving very professionally. She didn't care. I told her I would never come back and still she could care less. I wish I read the reviews before spending 35 bucks on a mani and pedi! Steer clear of this DUMP!! Hope she loses the small clientele she may have.

  • en

    Ameerah Mahmoud


    I haven't been here in a while so I decided to give it a try again. Worst experience ever. Can't even do a damn pedi right!!! Took no more than 10 mins. Pretending to clean my cuticles and scrubbing my feet? Seriously! What is the damn rush for? Won't recommend this place to anyone. I forgot to mention I got splashed w water all over my pants and shirt. This place is a joke!

  • Daniella Marie

    Daniella Marie


    THIS PLACE IS HORRIBLE! Whenever you walk in they look at you weird and are unfriendly and rude! I got a pedicure for $11, then they charged me $20! Please don't go for pinky nails! It's horrible!

  • Jenna abbracciamento

    Jenna abbracciamento


    Great price for a pedicure, only $11!!! Even though my French tip toes did not last long, it was good service, and worth the money!!

  • Kara Zor-El

    Kara Zor-El


    Walked in with my daughter and the lady was very rude. She looked my daughter up and down and said, we don't have any time for you. Those were her exact words. Salon was not even packed. I figured I'd try them because I live down the street, oh well.

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