Piermont Dental i Nyack

Forenede StaterPiermont Dental



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90, North Highland Avenue, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-358-0695
internet side: www.piermontdental.com
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Latitude: 41.0947104, Longitude: -73.927823

kommentar 5

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    Truly deserves 5+ stars. I have really bad teeth, my mouth is full of so many fillings and root canals that I'm surprised that at 34, I don't have a full set of dentures yet. That being said, I happened to be working a 6 month contract at the Nyack hospital across from where Dr. Caniza's facility is located so I decided to pay him a visit when I started having tooth pain. It turned out I needed another root canal. No surprise there. Despite my insurance being out of state, It wasn't a big issue getting the procedure done promptly. My root canal was completed surprisingly fast, even the crown was built much sooner than I expected. The technology and equipment he uses for the size of his facility is also surprisingly much more modern than other places I have been to. But this is the part about Dr. Caniza that I will truly remember and will always appreciate and have applied in my professional career as a medical professional, as you know, dentists will have to inject a numbing medication to for you to comfortably tolerate fillings and other dental procedures, I always dread the injection because I find it to be a 10/10 pain level, high anxiety inducing experience. Dr. Caniza does this distraction technique where he tricks your brain into focusing into some other stimulus while he does the injection. This massively improves the experience. There's also really good music playing in his office. Dr. Caniza, if you happen to read this, I am that Pacific Islander from Guam guy with all the animal tattoos on his arms, I am very grateful for my experience at you office. Wish you the best of luck in your career! PS: I wrote this review after removing a nasogastric tube from a historically irate and volatile pediatric patient using a similar distraction technique. Worked flawlessly!

  • Jade Y.

    Jade Y.


    Dr. Caniza is caring, knowledgeable & professional and his staff is very kind & friendly. The office is clean & efficient and they do digital x-rays. I highly recommend him & his practice.

  • Umaya Kumar

    Umaya Kumar


    Dental team was nice and pleasant, that was emergency for me but that girl I think her name was Pria she make us feel very comfortable and talk with us very friendly and carrying even they late to closing still dr and staff took care of us That very kind of them. Thank you, keep it up.

  • Debbi Cracovia

    Debbi Cracovia


    Dentist is good but staff unprofessional. for a third time the staff did not confirm an appointment set six month in advance. when I called three minutes after the scheduled appointment, to let them know I was on my way, they told me I would be charged for a cancelation and that I needed to reschedule. Even though I would have been less then five minutes late in total. When I questioned Deborah as to why no one from the office called to confirm the appointment, she told me I was being rude then lied about testing and leaving a message on my cell. I wish Piermont dental the best in the future because my family and I will not be returning. EVER!!

  • en

    Diana G.


    Dr. Caniza and his team are fantastic. He is super nice, thorough, honest and up to date in his field.

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