Pier 6 Dog Run w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePier 6 Dog Run


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334, Furman Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej: www.brooklynbridgepark.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6927207, Longitude: -74.0000403

komentarze 5

  • Andrew Ziegler

    Andrew Ziegler


    I would disagree with the other reviews about not liking the gravel. It was discussed at great length whether it should be dirt or gravel. Gravel is easy to clean up after and not disgusting. I am so glad I don't have to give my bath every time I come here. Your dog is in view all of the time making it a safe place. Ha small dogs tend to be picked on because they are small as such it doesn't matter what dog park you go to.

  • en

    Troy Carney


    Terrible! Dogs can barely run on the gravel ground. Why they would choose this material for a dog park is beyond me, worst park I've ever been to. It is sad because this place would be amazing if it was dirt or turf.

  • Daniel Costanza

    Daniel Costanza


    Lots of dogs but very little shade and the pebble floor is hard on their feet (they end up running around the cement edge a lot) and they come back dusty and smelly. Dirt is much better. Drys quickly after rain though which is nice. Great location.

  • Galia Gumeniuk

    Galia Gumeniuk


    Good spot itself. With artificial hill and smaller spot inside. But located right under the Manhattan bridge. So, you have to listen only the music of trains. We were there once with my doggie. Will not repeat. I prefer the sounds of nature.

  • Katie G

    Katie G


    No shade whatsoever and nothing but stones? This is the worst design for a dog park. It gets way too hot in the sun for your dog to enjoy themselves, and you're roasting along with them. Put down wood chips and put up some awnings. I guess they don't really want to pay to maintain it. Really disappointed.

najbliższy Park

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