Pier 1 Imports en New York

Estados UnidosPier 1 Imports



🕗 horarios

2146, Bartow Avenue, 10475, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-671-1341
sitio web: www.pier1.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8668602, Longitude: -73.8275778

comentarios 5

  • en

    Castora Negron


    Nice selection to choose from.

  • Carissa Boncardo

    Carissa Boncardo


    Incredibly helpful staff. I was very happy with my visit and purchases.

  • Daniel Alexander Catano

    Daniel Alexander Catano



  • en

    Cathy Cammarata


    I bought hall tree. Two came, even though I caught mistake before delivery. Never received statements. Closed account and months later still dealing with because CS in India does not record anything. I've dealt with same from Macy's.

  • en

    Lone survivor


    I’m so disappointed with the service I received from the manager at this location, you would think someone in this position would be more competent to handle situations, instead of shouting and threatening to hang the phone up on a customer. I sent my Mother and brother to pick up an order I placed online for Mother’s Day, they were told the order was never received so I called to ask if I could reorder and pay over the phone, considering, I have ordered over the phone not only at my home store but other Pier 1 stores in the past. I was told the manager said, “he was unable to accept payment over the phone”. I was instructed to reorder online a second time for store-pick up while my family waited, again, they did not received order. This time, I asked to speak directly to the manager, he told me, "he never said he was unable to accept payment, I must have heard wrong, because they DO accept payments over the phone'. Oh wow, why would they even tell me I would have to re-order; As soon as I insisted I was told so and why I always get treated badly at this Bronx location, he went off, he started shouting and threating to hang up phone then told me he will no longer take my order, so of course my family left feeling as embarrassed as I was myself. I’m still in shock at his behavior.

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