Piatti w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczonePiatti



🕗 godziny otwarcia

255, East Basse Road, 78209, San Antonio, Bexar County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 210-832-0300
strona internetowej: piatti.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.4960327, Longitude: -98.4796475

komentarze 5

  • Carolyn



    Loved the pasta! Went during the prime hours and did not have to wait for a table. Great service. The drinks (a mixed drink special and wine) were surprisingly large for the price, which was a nice bonus.

  • en

    Shannan Medina


    Had reservations for Mother's Day prior 2weeks ago for Today..made by husband for inside booth. Come today show up at 13:45pm for 14:00 Reservations. Table was "ACCIDENTALLY TAKEN." So they sat us 3 outside not in shade but sun. Saying canopy was for Reservations only. I said You all messed up We were but inside. So starting off bad....husband upset & daughter. We sat waiter by passed us 5 times brought us HOT WATER with melted ice.forgot our teas...sweet & low...then our bread. He kept going to other tables outside. Passed 45 minutes still waiting on complimentary bread & to get our sweetener for tea or to take our order. The way he treated us & others shows HE WAS RACIST!! Hosted brought out another Hispanic family & waiter still treated us & them same way. The Caucasian couples after us got their water fresh with ice full mug of water got bread & olive oil seasoned for bread along with menus. They were walk ins after they came in at same time saying table for 5 & no reservations. I listen & watch everywhere I go as a Goggle Guide. We got up & left at 14:46pm.

  • eternity4316



    Terrible service! Showed up at 9:30 pm to grab dinner with some friends and have never been treated so rudely by a waiter. The waiter with his tight little Man bun could not answer basic questions about menu items, never brought bread to the table until asked after the meal was served, never asked if we needed anything after the meal was served. All this without a smile, a bad attitude and aversion to be of any service! Expect much more when paying $100 for a meal. ~ food and wine was excellent

  • Mary Rivas

    Mary Rivas


    Food was delicious. The Italian mule was ok. Nice environment. Could be a place for a small group or date. Outside seating available.

  • en

    Rob Gordon


    Had my wife’s birthday here with a bunch of friends And it was awesome. Food was really good, good wine and our waiter was phenomenal. There were over 10 of us and he was running ( literally) around to get things out as fast as possible. They really took care of us and we will be back.

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