Pianos w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePianos



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158, Ludlow Street, 10002, New York, New York County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 212-505-3733
strona internetowej: pianosnyc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.721025, Longitude: -73.987692

komentarze 5

  • Natalie Romaniuk

    Natalie Romaniuk


    Got in no problem, place was not crowded. Upstairs was virtually empty on a Sunday night, so we sat by the bar. The bartender was nice to take some photos of us, however, it was 1:25am and there were no snack foods to munch on. We were told there were chips and dip, but they were out. Would've been nice to have something to eat while drinking.

  • Christian Hunsberger

    Christian Hunsberger


    I went for happy hour this last Saturday particularly for their frozen Margarita special. It was a tasty treat and not bad for the price. In the front of the house, there is a small bar and a few tables for seating area. In the back room is a music venue for live bands with a cover charge. Upstairs they had a DJ cutting some dope hip hop tracks and we danced for a while. The place is creative and the decor is on point which was my favorite part of this spot. I also admire how they cater to a few different crowds and atmosphere with your standard bar music up front, live bands in the back room and a live DJ spinning house hip hop. I will definitely go back to try out some of their food, grab another frozen drink and update this post on the quality of cuisine. 4 stars for their happy hour and decor/setup.

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    Chris Babb


    Tried to go Saturday night with a few friends 3 guys 2 girls, the bouncer and a girl at the door were extremely rude, they wouldn’t let my friend in because they were “too many guys” so we just left. Although I have been before, it’s a really fun spot. Great place for drinks and to hang out, better on a slower night tho. If it’s packed it’s just not worth the hassle of standing in line just to be denied entrance if you’re one male too many...

  • Cristela Carrizales

    Cristela Carrizales


    What a crazy, fun bar. Not a tourist spot, but in a tourist area. You can go and have a drink. Lots of areas for what you desire for where you are at. Not terribly overpriced for the area and you'll have fun. If you want to get a fun NYC bar experience, go.

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    Mosctha USA


    The security guy at the door does not let you in and gives you no apparent reason other than no guys. But he ask you for money to let you in. Overall is a great place for drinks and to have a fun time. Been going there for over five years but these guys are messing it up and i think management needs to do something about it. If you want to charge to get in just have a cover for everybody. I told the security guy that i will make sure that he stop this bs at the door. This is the first step. And if you are reading this, just watch what’s coming next. People just want to go in have a drink and nice conversation, not everybody wants to go upstairs which you guys have a cover for it. Guys buy drinks too.

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