Phyphar Inc w Waldwick

Stany ZjednoczonePhyphar Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

29, Walter Hammond Place, 07463, Waldwick, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-444-4648
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.010985, Longitude: -74.120721

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ibrahim Quadri


    I have been a customer for 20 years. Phyphar always gives you personal service and is a very trusting environment. I have never had to worry about Taxes or Tax related issues. The Team is extremely knowledgeable in always go the extra mile to help you in any situation.

  • en

    Harsh Jashn


    I have used Phyphar Inc's services for over 25 years and I have always had very satisfactory experience with them. They are thorough, professional and very knowledgeable accountants. They are probably one of the oldest and best known accounting firms in this area. There are larger national accounting firms but you don't get same service and results from other firms. I will definitely recommend them.

  • en

    Zohra Roowala


    Mr.Kapadia is the best! He makes doing taxes a lot more entertaining. Overall great service, everyone else in the office is very personable and very helpful. There are a few other accounts that work here that are also friendly and knowledgeable. They also have quite a few returning clients. Def recommend.

  • A K Wazidul Islam

    A K Wazidul Islam


    Phyphar Inc has been my accountant for almost 2 decades now and I wouldn’t go anywhere else. Phyphar and their highly experienced team are very professional and knowledgeable on any tax related matters. They are not just your typical CPA firm. They are extremely helpful in business consulting which I feel distinguishes them from others. If I ever have questions related to my tax returns, I feel very comfortable to pick up the phone and ask them. Phyphar Team takes their time to explain everything to me and I really appreciate that! I also like that my tax documents are always accessible in a digital format on their secure portal. I would highly recommend.

  • nipul doshi

    nipul doshi


    I have been going to do my taxes to kapadia family for years. My family of 30 people go to them as well. They make it easy and build a long term relationship. I have called them during the year for copies and questions on various issues and they’ve always been there. I am in my mid 30s and I’m sure I’ll be here for years to come. Highly recommended.

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