Pho Viet en Morningside

Estados UnidosPho Viet



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4817, Allentown Road, 20746, Morningside, Prince George's County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 301-568-0456
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.8195124, Longitude: -76.8907091

comentarios 5

  • chris r

    chris r


    Good food. Quick service with a smile. The appetizers are awesome

  • Claudia Gianina

    Claudia Gianina


    Their pho was great would definitely come back anytime I am around the area , they also offer military discount on Wednesdays

  • Lynnette Tellis

    Lynnette Tellis


    3 wonderful ladies run this establishment. The phó is delicious and the service is great. This is the perfect place with a private area for a special event.

  • en

    Andrea Smith


    This was my first time going to this particular location. The atmosphere was ok and the staff was very polite. I ordered a large and I didn't get that. I received a small. I asked for lean brisket I got fatty brisket and they give you more onions than noodles. I have yet to taste it but I'm 90% sure I won't be going back. Ok so I've tasted it and it has very nice flavor. So there is a 10% chance that I will go back. I just know that I'll be eating in because you don't get a to go large and you pay extra for to go. Oh and there were a lot of noodles. So I'll give it 3 stars for the staff and flavor.

  • Lora Mitchell

    Lora Mitchell


    I had Pho for the first time to this evening and I enjoyed Pho Viet very much. This is a small spot, a full menu of Pho items and appetizers. They offer a small and large portion but a small is more than enough unless you're really hungry. The staff were very nice and knowledgable. I will definitely return!

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