Pho Oh Tasty w Orange

Stany ZjednoczonePho Oh Tasty



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2024, North Tustin Street, 92865, Orange, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-912-4305
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8214064, Longitude: -117.836915

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michelle Crandall


    Love Pho Oh Tasty! They are quick around lunch time and delicious. There Pho with chicken is great. Their vermicelli with beef is delicious too! If you love Pho try it out!

  • Darren Follis

    Darren Follis


    Love this little place. Great Pho and Vietnamese egg rolls, their spring rolls are good too. We've been many times and will continue to go when we're in the mood for Pho.

  • Arron Rasmussen

    Arron Rasmussen


    My favorite pho restaurant in Orange County. This place has good broth, good meat, and friendly staff. Well worth supporting this place and ensuring that good food lasts long into the future!

  • David Trobaugh

    David Trobaugh


    Hello there, I love pho oh tasty, their broth is great, service is good, Thai tea is really tasty and the prices are so very good. I have tried every Vietnamese food place in the area and this place will always be my favorite. Only con: the interior of the restaurant is a little beat up. Enjoy, David

  • en

    Kimberly Haas


    I really enjoyed the pho here. My friend said it had a flowery taste to it but I dodnt get that at all. I thought it was sweet and savory and perfect! All the veggies were fresh and we also had the spring rolls which were pretty good. I thought the service was great and the Thai iced tea was delicious. Will definitely be going back!

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