Phillip Williams - State Farm Insurance Agent i New Windsor

Forenede StaterPhillip Williams - State Farm Insurance Agent



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164, Temple Hill Road, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-563-7100
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.458622, Longitude: -74.060069

kommentar 5

  • Ana Kamitzu Quiroz Kinejara

    Ana Kamitzu Quiroz Kinejara


    Robert Doolittle did a lot for me, i loved his service. I'll recommend State Farm with out hesitation.

  • Unity Shah

    Unity Shah


    I am so happy that I switch to State Farm specially this branch at temple hill rd. My Agent ROBERT W DOOLITTLE(ROB) is the best . I had an issue with my billing and just one call my issues has been reserved. He is quick and always reach me out in any condition. Again, Thank You Rob 4 all ur help

  • Arabelle Monroe

    Arabelle Monroe


    Hi had a great experience. The people were knowledgeable friendly, and they made feel very comfortable. My agent Jose even contacted me to see if I got back home safe.

  • en

    Jessica rosado


    Great office with amazing people. Make sure you stop by! You will definitely be treated well.

  • en

    Lisa A Falone


    Phil Williams and his team have been just the piece of mind my husband and I have needed over the last few years. From moving from NJ to NY, purchasing our first home, switching leases on a couple of cars of the years and purchasing our first life insurance policy, The Phil Williams Team has held our hand through it all and made these transitions so much easier! There's always a knowledgeable person on the other end of the phone ready to answer my questions. Whether I'm calling to ask details about our policy, need proof of insurance faxed over to me, or adding a car and need the info sent to the dealership 5 minutes ago... everyone is Very helpful! Some how, I feel that whatever it is I need is just as important to Phil and his team as it is to me! You could not leave your life in better hands...

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