Pete’s Seafood and Sandwich w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczonePete’s Seafood and Sandwich



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3382, 30th Street, 92104, San Diego, San Diego County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 619-255-8940
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7407408, Longitude: -117.1295058

komentarze 5

  • Christopher Williams

    Christopher Williams


    Fast and friendly service with amazing food. My wife had her first lobster roll and the variety of food is awesome. Easy to read menus and a fantastic environment all around

  • Lee Kellett

    Lee Kellett


    Absolutely great. This is coming from someone who grew up in Maine and lived in MA most of my adult life. Great fried clams, scallops, onion rings with that perfect light breading... full lobster roll. This is like the best places at the beach in Maine or Mass. Go here.

  • Evert South

    Evert South


    The food was great as well as the staff. My only complaint was the lack of available parking. There is a very small "lot" behind the store that can be accessed from an alley but it's hard to tell if you are supposed to park there or not. Overall I enjoyed eating there and the food was good.

  • en

    Laura Arispe


    I love their customer service. They got a really nice place really makes you want to hang out.I went to pick up my lunch and I was happy to have found this place! Lobster Bisque was yummy. Lobster was too and was $18 just for the lobster roll itself. The bread on the lobster was amazing. I would go back and try other items on their menu.

  • Taylor Armstead

    Taylor Armstead


    Love this place. They've got my favorite meatball sub and onion rings there! The italian is pretty great too. They've got generous sized sandwiches with delicious ingredients. I can't speak for the seafood since I've never tried it (I don't really like seafood much) but you really can't miss with any of the sandwiches. Definitely give it a shot, you won't regret it.

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