Peter J. McDonald, D.M.D. w Cambridge

Stany ZjednoczonePeter J. McDonald, D.M.D.



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872, Massachusetts Avenue, 02139, Cambridge, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-547-0606
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3674397, Longitude: -71.1078025

komentarze 5

  • Don Jacobs

    Don Jacobs


    Always a fun time. The new cleaning lady (don't know her name) was fun to laugh with just like the recent girl. You Dr McDonald is always fun every way. Thanks for finding a office close to my living apt.

  • William Parsons

    William Parsons


    Dr. McDonald has been our dentist for decades. We plan for another few decades with him. He's everything you want and need in a dentist. There should be a 6-star rating.

  • Richard Rickles

    Richard Rickles


    Dr. McDonald has been my dentist since the mid-90s. McDonald has cleaned out/filled cavities, generated crowns and has made some replacement crowns for ones I've received decades ago. In addition, I go to his office ~2 times/year from teeth cleaning. Simply put, Dr. McDonald is the best dentist I've ever had tend to my mouth..he is fast (speed dentistry is great for someone with a small mouth), precise and skilled at keeping the work as painless as possible, minimizing discomfort. Particularly important, McDonald is available on short notice (emergencies) and his work is durable (some fillings/crowns are now a couple of decades old). The staff is great..the front office is courteous and although over the years there has been new staff who attend to teeth cleaning each person has been skilled. I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. McDonald and consider myself quite lucky to have found such a personable, skilled dentist to tend to my mouth/teeth!

  • Bruce Knobe

    Bruce Knobe


    I've been seeing Dr. McDonald for several years. As far as I can tell, he and his staff have always done a fine job. In particular, Dr. McDonald is very concerned to not cause his patients any avoidable pain. Dental hygienists come in two different groups. The current one at Dr. McDonald's office is in the painless group. The other group think they do a better, more thorough job, but all they really do is cause pain by stabbing the gums. Dr. McDonald has started computerizing his records. This engenders questionnaires to his patients. The questionnaires are processed through Google Forms, a thoroughly insecure service. Given the use of Google Forms, the questions should be limited to material that patients would happily post on an internet bulletin board. In fact, some of the questions don't pass that test and other questions seem to have no connection to delivering or charging for dental services.

  • Ken Field

    Ken Field


    My dentist for many decades. Nothing but good things to say about Dr. McDonald and his excellent crew. They are smart, friendly, and honest in terms of needed work. Highest recommendation.

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