peter andrews w Huntington Station

Stany Zjednoczonepeter andrews



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444, East Jericho Turnpike, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-424-0002
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.830873, Longitude: -73.394686

komentarze 5

  • Brian Stevens

    Brian Stevens


    I have been buying furniture from Peter Andrews for years now. As a local establishment, I love giving them the business and I have always found the quality of their items to be really high for the price point. Before I jump into the negative, I would like to start by saying the people that work their are very nice and responsive. They have tried to help where they can, but that is the extent of how far it goes. My wife and I invested a significant amount of money into a teak outdoor dining set a few summers back. As a matter of fact, they still carry the set today. When we purchased the set we were told that it would weather to grey if not properly cared for, which we understood but were willing to take the risk as we did not mind a weathered look. After a season or two, we noticed it was not weathering to grey, but instead started developing dark black spots (see pictures). Keep in mind, this is after my wife and I spent 3 days last summer sanding, applying a specially formulated teak soap, and teak oil to the table and chairs. Finally, when I opened the table this year from its shrink wrapping (yes, this table was even shrink wrapped to protect it from the elements) this is how it opened. I had enough, so I contacted the store asking what they could do to help me. The answer I received was a set of instructions on doing the same maintenance we did last year and there was nothing more that can be done because we were out of warranty. Very disappointing. Peter Andrews still sells this same set and table today. I would be very cautious about buying this teak outdoor furniture. First, it is NOT going to hold up and second if you do have issues you are going to get instructions on how to clean it as the only remedy. Look, I understand if we neglected the table or didn't care for it appropriately but we did everything we could. This is just not good quality furniture, and certainly not consistent with the other products we have purchased from Peter Andrews before. I hope this helps you avoid making the same mistake we did in purchasing this set.

  • en

    Michael Bovee


    Store is very nice! Lots of Unique Stuff for your house...from cheap to expensive items like signs/pictures to dinningware/kitchenware/glassware to furniture.

  • Ginger Sosnowski

    Ginger Sosnowski


    I love Peter Andrews! Always great for a gift or furniture.

  • en

    Angela Howell


    Business is located in Huntington, Suffolk NY. Lots of nice unique items. Very nice staff. really cool deco art and furniture items. Probably the best stuff I've seen in Suffolk NY. Limited parking.

  • en

    Jeffrey Kreuzburg


    Excellent products great place to shop one of a kinds and they are reasonably priced

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