Pest Control Concourse w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePest Control Concourse



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Grand Concourse, 10452, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-865-8994
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.831687, Longitude: -73.9204574

komentarze 5

  • en

    Amadou Doucoure


    I just experienced the worst of exterminator service. They say the inspection price is $65 and they will treat my place (open space with no chair or furniture). The guy came with small flash light searched corners and carpet edges for less than 5 minutes and said to me there no bedbugs. I said I want to treat the place anyway because I have found one. He set the price at $700.00. I told him that was too much and we're planning to do this every couple months. I picked up the phone to call my boss tell him the price and any possible price reduction from the guy. This exterminator guy got furious and told me he finish his inspection why I'm standing talking on the phone pay my $65 and let get the f**k out of here.

  • en



    Very unprofessional. I was telling him my situation he just hung up on me. I don't recommend spending your money at this place.!!!!

  • Brock Edmond

    Brock Edmond


    If you are looking for a efficient pest controller then I insist for Pest Control Concourse!!!. These guys are well equipped and keep quality sprays that are not health hazardous. The quickly respond and provide very cost effective services when I called them for pest controlling at my place. It is really unbelievable but they took only a few hours for the whole process.

  • Linda Nathaniel

    Linda Nathaniel


    Very Prompt Action!! Effective service delivered by Pest Control Concourse. I ordered a rat trap online and got the product within the delivery time. The item came in a well-packed manner at my door step. Also, the price they had charged was reasonable.

  • Miranda Brady

    Miranda Brady


    Generally, I assumed that pest control is associated with chemicals and various pesticides. It comes to mind about seeing people wearing masks sprinkling chemicals around. I got a completely different picture with the Pest Control Concourse service. They employ heating methods to exterminate bed bugs. Nothing can go greener than that, it won't create any health hazards for human beings or animals and kill bed bugs using heat. Neat work!

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