Perfect Smiles, LLC i Totowa

Forenede StaterPerfect Smiles, LLC



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9 Furler St, Upper Lvl, Totowa, NJ 07512, США
kontakter telefon: +1 973-339-9711
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.894958, Longitude: -74.225034

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shelby Meyers


    Been a patient here for over 10 years and can honestly say I've never had a negative experience. The staff are always extremely nice, polite, and way more helpful than they need to be. I'm a very nervous dental patient, but I always feel relaxed here!

  • en

    Gloria Motato


    Every single person in the office is awesome!

  • en

    Joe C


    Being in the customer service business and having superior knowledge of customer service; having been to my fair share of dentist offices, I can say that not only is Dr. Ryan Maher one of the most skilled in his field and his staff are beyond exceptional in patient service. I do not do reviews often but this was absolutely merited. If you're considering a dentist, I could not recommend him higher.

  • Lamont Byrd

    Lamont Byrd


    Amazing staff. The place felt like home when I walked in. The person I met at the front desk could not have been any nicer. The hygienists and the Dr. were more than helpful. They made sure I was comfortable and they really were conscious of making sure I didn't feel any discomfort. I would highly recommend this office to anyone looking for a dentist who treats your mouth as if it were theirs.

  • en

    Frank Maher


    If you have been looking for a dentist that makes you feel comfortable and a team that makes you feel like part of the family, look no further. Perfect Smiles is the only practice I will ever go to! I have been a patient for over 15 years and I have heard story after story from other patients who feel just like I do. You only get one smile, why not make it PERFECT?

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