Pediatric Dentistry of Garden City en Garden City

Estados UnidosPediatric Dentistry of Garden City



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585 Stewart Avenue, Suite #LL60, Garden City, NY 11530, США
contactos teléfono: +1 516-222-5100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7327707, Longitude: -73.6123874

comentarios 4

  • Kimberly Summers

    Kimberly Summers


    What an unprofessional office.I fail to see any humor in a video they posted on social media called “tiny hands. While I’m fortunate to not have a child with a disability, I believe in the importance of displaying kindness and empathy, especially in a pediatric office where kids they treat may not fully understand that these actions could be cruel to a child that may already feel “different”. Any decent person should set a strong example for any children that may look up to them. This video is incredibly unprofessional and hurtful- take it down and re-examine your priorities and professionalism- kindness matters.

  • en

    Julia Jensen


    This dental group has a video series called "Tiny Hands" ... which is INCREDIBLY insulting to limb different children and the limb different community as a whole. I messaged them on FB (message below) and was immediately blocked. What poor taste and bad business sense. I would never bring my children to a business that is as insensitive and insulting as this one is. How can they be in the pediatric business and be so ignorant? This is very, VERY upsetting. Message I sent to the administration: Good morning, Your "Tiny Hand" videos are INCREDIBLY insulting to the limb different community. As a mother to a young child with a limb difference, I would have hoped that pediatric businesses would have enough fore-thought to avoid insulting children, and the limb different community. Please take these videos down as soon as possible. They're in poor taste and quite offensive!!

  • Lindsay Boesen

    Lindsay Boesen


    Could not be happier with this practice. Dr. Divya and staff are wonderful. Noticed & recommended a frenectomy for my 2yr old during checkup which was missed by pediatricians. Son leaves with a smile on his face each time!

  • Robert Maeurer

    Robert Maeurer


    The office as a whole is amazing. The dentists are great. Wonderful persona. Super kid friendly all around. There's even a touch screen computer with kid friendly games installed. (For those coming here, it's hidden behind buildings on Stewart. Enter through Roosevelt Field entrance with movie theater marquee. The entrance will be on the right after you turn. It's a large office building. The office has a green awning).

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