PCWAREHOUSE en Rochelle Park




🕗 horarios

174, New Jersey 17, 07662, Rochelle Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-587-1138
sitio web: www.pcwarehouse.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.90372, Longitude: -74.071143

comentarios 5

  • wael abudurra

    wael abudurra


  • en

    Gerald Alport


  • The Dragon Born Your Brother

    The Dragon Born Your Brother


    Never actually open

  • es



  • en

    Jeff Kreindler


    Wish I could give them zero stars but that does not seem to be an option. Was referred to them by the manufacturer of the PC for repair work out of warranty. When you walk it, it looks like a cheap run shop. Left my laptop with them. Said the problem was the motherboard. 3 Months later still not repaired, kept calling and calling. Finally was told they were having problems getting the board. Not sure why, I got one. Dropped it off, next day they said they put the new board in, and the unit was working. Bring it home and it has the same problem. Best of all, I tagged the board I dropped off, and when I looked at the one they gave me back, they never installed the new one. They charged me over $100, had my unit for over three months and didn't do the work or fix it. When I called, they answer was too bad. Run from this shop....DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM. You will be sorry.

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