P.C. Richard & Son i Hauppauge

Forenede StaterP.C. Richard & Son



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2095, Express Drive South, 11788, Hauppauge, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-582-3100
internet side: www.pcrichard.com
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Latitude: 40.80984, Longitude: -73.220147

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Broderick


    The sales staff at PC Richards was great. They helped me with the headset I needed. They even answered my questions over the phone when I got home and couldn't get it to work. They helped me every step of the way and I will definitely be returning to this store in the future.

  • tisham cintron-solano

    tisham cintron-solano


    Not many choices for appliances anymore its becoming a furniture store now with all them lazy boy chairs and mattresses. I couldn't get my refrigerator since they only had a few and was sent to a different location for the one I wanted something that wasn't convenient for me distance wise. Other than that the customer attention I got was excellent

  • Danielle Marsh

    Danielle Marsh


    What a great place! The managers are really helpful and introduce themselves and make you feel at home! Really great items at competitive prices and customer service that is through the roof. Great family store vibe that is hard to find these days!

  • en

    L C


    My family & I were there this past weekend & were tended to by a wonderful salesman Mr. S. Ali. We were there looking for mattresses and not only did Mr. Ali give us the breakdown of all the mattresses that fit our need & budget but he actually listened & answered ALL our questions. In today's world, where it's all about money & making the quick buck, here was this gentleman who was just the opposite. He actually cared & wanted to make sure we were getting what we needed over making a sale. We also had our two children there & as most people in sales who roll their eyes when you walk in with a pre-school age kid & kindergartner, Mr. Ali was as sweet to them as he was to us. He even let them sit in the fancy recliner and let them press the buttons. Who does that? So long story short, we did buy our mattress from him that day & as we walked back to our car, we knew that if we have any need for any future purchases we are going straight to P.C. Richards in Hauppauge. Great store but moreover fantastic customer service! Thanks again Mr. Ali!

  • en

    Busy Bodies


    Super service excellent thank you. Sunday my husband I went to the store and bought a few items and was taken care of by the very awesome Manger Mr. Sheldon Ellison who took the time to go above and beyond to explain everything in details about each and products as well as given us the opportunity to have a side by side comparison of Sono speakers vs Bose speaker system which was amazing as it help us in making our decision Today I was taking back by how truly amazing the Manager Mr. Ellison is as he delivered our new television to our home on his day off today he is truly a great asset to PC Richard's and amazing human being and it would be remiss if I didn't take the time to highlight Mr. Ellison and his amazing staff as well at this location on the amazing customer service they provide each and every day. Thank you so much.

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