P.C. Richard & Son w Riverhead

Stany ZjednoczoneP.C. Richard & Son



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1685, Old Country Road, 11901, Riverhead, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-727-8900
strona internetowej: www.pcrichard.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.923772, Longitude: -72.699912

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jay Adam


    Excellent service all around.. I didn't even know what I was looking for when I walked in but the salesperson with her patient and friendly manner helped me find the exact item that I needed! I will always go to the Riverhead location for all of my electronic,mattress and electronic purchases not only because they have every thing,but mostly because of their WORLD CLASS service!

  • en

    Kacie Guinan


    If you are looking for appliances and gadgets to update your home or office I highly recommend PC Richards in Riverhead. Hank was so helpful! He went above and beyond to resolve a minor issue our family had with delivery of new kitchen appliances. Again thank you keeping true to your slogan “ Richard is Reliable” thanks again to the team over there!!

  • Melissa Lanuto

    Melissa Lanuto


    Been shopping here for a while and I have to say they take really good care of their customers. The manager Ray is they best one I've ever dealt with, he makes sure I understand the products well and takes they time to make me feel like I'm the vip.I will continue to shop with him and the great staff there! Truly a first class experience. I highly recommend coming here!

  • en

    Stephanie Heaton


    I had such a wonderful experience! Everyone was so knowledgable and helpful. They truly desired to make sure I was satisfied! They were able to answer all of my questions and assist in helping me make the perfect purchase. Even the staff at the front desk were beyond pleasant and interested in making sure that my experience from start to finish was perfect. I will definitely be going back for all of my purchases!!

  • Lauren DuBois

    Lauren DuBois


    Came in to look for a refrigerator for my home and was so very impressed by the service I received. I spoke with both Pete and Andrew at this store while looking, and they were both not only knowledgeable about what they sell, but friendly and patient with my many questions. I would definitely come back again for future purchases, especially if one of them was going to help me. Thanks guys!

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