P.C. Richard & Son w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneP.C. Richard & Son



🕗 godziny otwarcia

13603, 20th Avenue, 11356, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-475-2950
strona internetowej: www.pcrichard.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7835853, Longitude: -73.8319186

komentarze 5

  • en



    Shahid Khan is an excellent sales person. He is so easy to work with, no pressure, no stress. I brought my daughter and brother back as customers and he took care of both! Easy Peasy...His manager was great too. won't hesitate in coming back to them and referring them to friends and family! .

  • en

    Christina Calamari


    Evelyn was my sales person and she was excellent and very knowledgable. She attempted to get me the laptop that I wanted and asked others in the store to help if she ran into a complication. Everything went very smooth and she even did the rebate and virus coverage.It was a very good day

  • Brandi Covington

    Brandi Covington


    Rob Z was patient and knowledgeable about the products and sold me on the Samsung family hub fridge. This is the second time I have had a great experience at this location. Ask for Rob Z if your looking to buy anything.

  • en

    Dunes Deli and Catering


    We recently were in the market to purchase flat screens TVs for our business. We went to the PC Richards in College Point where Gregory helped us. He was very patient and knowledgeable. He is an excellent salesman!! Would highly recommend this store!

  • en

    Alexis Zafiridis


    I recently moved into a new home and have purchased all of my appliances at this store and with one of the nicest salespeople ever... Gregory Anastos! (Thank you Greg for your patience!) I compared prices with other retailers but by far PC Richards offered the best prices. This specific store in College Point will always be my go to because the staff is always so knowledgeable, friendly and efficient. If you can, make the drive there...you will leave a satisfied customer!

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