Paz Acupuncture of Westchester w Ossining

Stany ZjednoczonePaz Acupuncture of Westchester



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109, Croton Avenue, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-299-7787
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.166731, Longitude: -73.855146

komentarze 4

  • en

    Bob O'Hanlon


    Have Nuropathy, nothing else worked but this is helping

  • en

    Hope Walter


    Golden hands!! 1st treatment was life altering, was able to feel immediate results. True professional with excellent clinical skills, outstanding knowledge, and a really gentle style. Thank You!!!

  • Eric Schneider

    Eric Schneider


    Paz acupuncture is a warm and inviting atmosphere. Kere Paz treats her clients with a personal touch and upmost care. Getting needles put it has never been so gentle. She also takes the time to see what is bothering you and tends to that concern during that session. I would not go anywhere else in the area for acupuncture.

  • Kendra Rossney

    Kendra Rossney


    I canNOT say enough great things about Kere Paz and her gifts as an Acupuncturist. I have grown in my healing so much, it is hard to put it into words. Her presence is warm and inviting and her ability to connect with what is happening in my body allows me to surrender to the healing that is taking place in all of the sessions we have. Kere is not only talented but compassionate, kind, and holds space in a way that I am certain would invite healing for ALL of her patients. Do not miss the opportunity to experience a healing session with Kere and begin (or continue) on your path toward your body being well.

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