Pawling Karate w Pawling

Stany ZjednoczonePawling Karate



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56, Charles Colman Boulevard, 12564, Pawling, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-855-1283
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.5636868, Longitude: -73.6014605

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joshua Ahearn


    My son was very shy and not as coordinated as other children but after a few classes he has gotten very good at interacting with others and his coordination has gotten a lot better

  • en

    Happy Camper


    This dojo is always looking for a way to make karate more interesting; it's a great way to learn focus and coordination.

  • Kylie Denzel

    Kylie Denzel


    A great place, so family friendly and they truly care about each and every child

  • en

    Monica Housen


    I have two children who have attended lessons here for almost 2 years. Not only are they enjoying it, I am, too! Classes are more than punch and kick; the kids learn structure, discipline, focus, control, dedication, perseverance, teamwork, and goal building as individuals. It is wonderful physical activity, strengthening the kids' core, but is also excellent mental activity, as well. Alexis sensei brings a nice balance of fun and work to each class, and I especially like when Dave shihan is present as his attention to detail on each kids' form and his energy and commitment to his craft can't help but be passed on to his students. Friendly environment where everyone is so proud of the kids!

  • en

    JC Pawling


    My 9 year old daughter has been enrolled in classes at Pawling Karate for five years now. Starting at the age of five and has progressed to the level of earning her purple belt. She's done extremely well in the program and is always enthusiastic about going to class! She has learned self discipline, responsibility, and patience, all in a very physically challenging environment. Sensei Alexis has a wonderful rapport with her students and parents. She takes the time to get to know each and every student on a personal level, building mutual trust (always with great enthusiasm!). She is both nurturing and highly principled. She cares deeply about my child's development, building good character, the importance of kindness and self discipline both in Karate and her personal life, including school. She helps students build on their strengths, developing their weaknesses, and increasing their confidence. My daughter feels such a great sense of achievement. It's really amazing to watch all of the kids progress over the years. It's truly been an OUTSTANDING experience for her. If you are considering Karate for your child, I would HIGHLY recommend stopping in to have your child try a class at Pawling Karate. That's how it all started for us!

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