Pavlova Salon w Wading River

Stany ZjednoczonePavlova Salon



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6251, New York 25A, 11792, Wading River, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-929-6360
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9433315, Longitude: -72.8397669

komentarze 5

  • Stacey Feil

    Stacey Feil


    Have had my haircut here on many occasions by different stylists. I've always been pleased. Just walked out with an amazing haircut by Caitlin.

  • Lisa Niski

    Lisa Niski


    An amazing relaxing place, Deana is the very best

  • en

    michele williams


    I called this salon two weeks in advance to schedule two appointments for the day of my son's wedding. One was for myself and the other for my granddaughter, who was the flower girl. When we arrived I was told that the hairdresser, who was to style my granddaughters hair, had called in sick. My usual hairdresser was going to do both of us. I wrongly assumed that we would get the full time for two appointments. My granddaughter wanted her hair braided. I saw panic in the hairdresser's eyes as she told me that she was not very good with braids. She took me first. She rushed through my styling, even though we had discussed what she would do the week before, when I came in to have my hair highlighted. She took the rest of the time, one appointments worth, to do my granddaughters hair. My granddaughter's hair looked ok. The hairdresser was right, she was not good at doing braids. She looked as though she was performing some intricate surgery. Mine was flat without style. I didn't say anything at the time because it was getting late. Remember I had booked two appointments for the same time . What we received was one appointment for two stylings. If I had had the time I would have rewashed and styled it myself when I got home. I was so disappointed. I looked awful in the pictures.

  • Georgia Harris

    Georgia Harris


    Love this salon. Treated like a queen. Fast service. Deana is super talented. I've been on Long Island for over a year and this is the first salon that got my formula correct. Highly recommend.

  • Maureen Townsend

    Maureen Townsend


    $ 45 for a DRY CUT. Water did not touch my hair. Rip off to the full extent possible. No wash no blow. $50??? Give this a minus one star, as no one has gotten back to me to this day about my experience at this salon. Not at all happy here. These people don't get back to you when you leave messages, at least three, and the few times I went I was charged full price for a DRY CUT, with no blow out. Boo. Like to give one star for rude behavior n

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