Paul's Automotive w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczonePaul's Automotive



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1922, O Street, 95811, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-444-7216
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.5710236, Longitude: -121.4827273

komentarze 5

  • en

    Meg Taylor


    I was super impressed with Paul’s Auto. First of all, I love that you can book an appointment online. I used to go to my car’s dealership for maintenance, but their hours were restrictive and I put off doing repairs because I wasn’t certain I could get my car in. The employees at Paul’s were extremely friendly, professional, clear, and communicative - they perform a complimentary inspection on your first appointment and send you a report digitally with the status of their inspection so you can make decisions about what to repair or not. At no time did I feel pressured into completing repairs, but I trusted and appreciated their judgment. Everyone I spoke to was knowledgeable and helpful.

  • en

    Laura Foot


    I have been taking my car here for about a year now and have always been happy with the service. Everyone working is friendly and I always trust that the recommendations are accurate and the work has been done well. I have recommended this shop to many of my friends.

  • en

    Stephanie Farland


    Paul’s Automotive is the most honest repair shop in Sacramento. The work they do is unparalleled and they take the time to walk you through everything. We’ve taken all of our cars there. We recently took a “new” used car we purchased for our teenager and Frank made sure it was serviced and fixed and safe for her to drive. We don’t go anywhere else!

  • Kelly Gravuer

    Kelly Gravuer


    Really great service! I'll only be driving my car for another 9 months because it will need a new catalytic converter in order to pass smog at that time and the cost of the converter is more than the car. The guys at Paul's have been very honest with me about which of their recommended repairs are truly necessary to drive the car safely for this interval vs. which are less essential or primarily for comfort. Also, I live down the block from Paul's and they were super helpful when my battery died - jumped it so I could bring the car over for a battery recharge and also helped me navigate some issues with my garage door so we could safely get the car out. Overall, I think they give honest and knowledgeable advice and listen well to the needs of their customers. Highly recommended!

  • Cynthia S

    Cynthia S


    Modern tech meets old school customer service for a great experience. Made my appointment online-confirmed promptly by email. Friendly and quick check in when I dropped off my car and because of the location was a short walk to my office. They send text updates that link to a detailed report and pictures. Found some extra issues, but didn't hard sell them! Gave me an estimate when I asked and the prices were not high. Definitely found my garage for all future service.

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