Paul Yonkers Plumbing & Heating w Sea Cliff

Stany ZjednoczonePaul Yonkers Plumbing & Heating



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327, Glen Cove Avenue, 11579, Sea Cliff, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-759-2601
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.841711, Longitude: -73.635639

komentarze 5

  • en

    Debbie Gleicher


    I am Sally Gleicher. Paul Yonker and son continue to know what to do and get it done. I have been using them for 19 years and continue to be pleased with the work.

  • David Paniagua Jr

    David Paniagua Jr


    I can't say enough about Paul Yonkers Pluming. The Owner Paul has restored my faith in HONEST CONTRATORS!! Paul was willing to answer my call in a timely manner and stood on the phone with me and answer all my questions. 5 stars is not enough they need 10 STARS!!!! This company is LEGIT!!! and HONEST!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM!!!

  • Celia Marie

    Celia Marie


    I had a sudden leak under my sink, I called Paul Yonkers at 4:30 PM, fully expecting not being able to use my sink until the following business day. The person who answered the phone said they would send someone over as soon as a technician became available. Twenty minutes later, they were knocking on my door! Both technicians were courteous and efficient, including running out for a part before the supply store closed for the day. No more leak. Just like that. I will certainly recommend and use them for my plumbing/heating needs again.

  • John Michael Griffin

    John Michael Griffin


    This marks my 19th year doing business with this very dependable, very professional home service company. My phone calls are always promptly returned, their response always timely and accurate. Their work flawless. The job is always done to satisfaction. In fact one time they couldn't correct my problem and there was no charge. It was an outside underground issue not within their domain. You don't keep customers for twenty years by failing to meet their needs. And,lest I forget, their technicians are always interested, pleasant, and hard working.

  • Jason Rocker Dude

    Jason Rocker Dude


    I cannot say enough about Paul Yonkers Plumbing! This father/son business is THE BEST! We moved to the Glen Head area a few years ago and contracted with several plumbers. No one would touch our steam boiler except for them. They have tackled every problem we have had since then. They are the only plumbers we use now. Paul Yonkers Sr. and Paul Yonkers Jr. are so responsive, and their team of plumbers are very experienced and trustworthy. I highly recommend them.

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