Patisserie Florentine w Closter

Stany ZjednoczonePatisserie Florentine



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234, Closter Dock Road, 07624, Closter, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-660-8296
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9721723, Longitude: -73.9608976

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ed Lowenthal


    friendly service and great for breakfast and lunch. Fabulous baked goods

  • en

    Jesse Littledifranco


    I am a sucker for real espresso drinks and delicious pastries. The bright decor and comfortable space are an added bonus. My salad had a delightful dressing and beets. How could you go wrong with that? This is not a negative, but the only meat on the menu is fish. So if you are going for a bacon breakfast, this is not the place. However, if you love homemade quiche, don't miss this place!!

  • en

    Mariana Marinich


    We were very excited when they open the place in Closter. We became regulars there and food is never a disappointment. The food is actually outstanding - always fresh and tasty. The coffee and desserts are great too. However, the service is the worst. I didn't want to leave a bad review since I was hoping they are going to improve and I would like to support local businesses but after being there at least a dozen of times I decided to address this issue. The servers are not trained. They are gloomy and got an attitude of doing us a favor by serving. I am talking about the female servers and a host in particular. The guys there seem more friendly and helpful. The servers we got didn't bother to check our order when it took too long, forgot to bring water and drinks, and they were passing plates and coffee to the customers expecting us to serve ourselves instead of walking around the table and placing the food on the table. When they finally brought our drinks to the table the server was just standing by the table with the drinks expecting us to take them from her instead of placing the glasses on the table in front of the customers. It was very nice to get a 10% discount on Mother's Day but the service was bad. The brunch was delicious and my family had a good time anyway. I would have given you a five stars review if it was for the food but bad service ruined the experience. I just hope you train your servers or hire a better crew.

  • Brian Faehndrich

    Brian Faehndrich


    Outstanding coffee and crazy good almond croissants. Not your usual breakfast spot. Way more creative, healthy and gourmet. Great addition to closter.

  • Sanghee Lee

    Sanghee Lee


    괜찮은 브런치 레스토랑. 리지우드 Sook Bakery 남편이 운영하는 걸로 알려져 있는 곳. 일요일 점심 먹고 간단하게 커피와 디저트 먹으러 갔는데 알고 보니 브런치 메뉴만 먹을 수 있었음. 가격이 쓸데없이 비싼것 빼고은 대체로 만족.

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