Pastry Lovers Choice w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePastry Lovers Choice



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370, Van Duzer Street, 10304, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 917-830-0146
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6291353, Longitude: -74.0796417

komentarze 5

  • Pheobe Cara

    Pheobe Cara


    Ms Threats is a sweetheart! The chicken and waffles served on weekends.. delicious!!! From the refreshments to the pastries; this place is very cozy and welcoming.

  • Lisa Rogers

    Lisa Rogers


    Carrot cake great but for the price the slice should be bigger. Items overprice for the size

  • en

    Jelani Tarik


    February 11th was the perfect rainy day for brunch. Through friends I'd heard extremely positive reviews for a shop called Pastry Lovers Choice (or PLC for short), and a little research revealed that shrimp & grits was on the brunch menu. It's a small eatery on a quiet street in Staten Island, which I'm certain contributes to its very welcoming atmosphere. Upon arriving I ordered the Hot Chocolate made with white chocolate. It was sweet. It was rich. It was delicious! A finer cup of hot coco couldn't be had if you were in Belgium. My dish of shrimp & grits came with a buttermilk biscuit. I've never had biscuits like these! And as for the signature dish responsible for me taking a trip on this rainy Sunday? It was....divine. The creamy grits paired extremely well with the tasty shrimp. As I was consuming this succulent meal, I remarked to the chef that I wished every eatery & brunch spot was a PLC. Prior to today, the best meal I've ever tasted was in 2009 when my then girlfriend & I stayed at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. PLC now rightfully owns that top spot. In the words of Anton Ego from the film Ratatouille - I shall be returning to Pastry Lovers Choice soon, hungry for more!

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    Nadine Nicholson


    We drove from Delaware to the Bakery for a special order of Cinnamon Rolls. The employees were so wonderful and friendly. The Cinnamon Buns were to die for and the owner even walked out to the van to my client who is unable to walk to personally thank him for the business. Kudos we will be back for sure!!!!!

  • en

    H Ms


    Such a lovely place to have some tasty coffee and delicious dessert in Staten Island!! I had the white chocolate mocha with soy milk and whip cream on top and a piece of cheesecake with strawberries!! Coffee was good, strong fresh taste, the whipcream was a good sweet addition to it. Cheesecake was made and prepared by the coffe shop and was so good, had a nice crispy crust that was perfectly suited with the cheesecake filling. The ambiance was nice and peaceful. Would definitely recommend Pastry Lovers Choice in Staten Island, New York

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