Pastafina Pizza w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePastafina Pizza


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388, 3rd Avenue, 10016, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-251-0708
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.741901, Longitude: -73.981201

komentarze 5

  • Joel Monserrate

    Joel Monserrate


    Good pizza no problems with the service. The average Pizzeria.

  • da

    Marie Rosado


    Love pastafinas. Great food

  • en

    iris bailey


    The best shrimp parm hero's for the money!!!!

  • Fady Mekhael

    Fady Mekhael


    Pizza is good, but not good enough for the price you pay. Eatable but not impressive

  • en

    Brishty Khossein


    I don’t ever write reviews but had an incredibly disturbing experience here last night that I felt the need to share. I walked in with two other girls around 1 AM for some pizza. Our guy friends had already been there and ordered pizza a couple of minutes before us, and we were meeting them there. Should’ve known from the start that we were being taken advantage of when at the counter they tell us each slice is $3 when it clearly says $2.75 on their board. When I make a comment about that, their response is, ‘Yeah but with tax it’s $3.’ Rather shady and I rolled my eyes but let it go because I’d rather not receive a quarter in change back anyway. I pay for my pizza, so do my friends, and we all sit down waiting for our food to arrive, alongside our guy friends who already ordered. I ask the guys how much they paid for their slice and they said $2.75. I rolled my eyes again, knowing exactly that we were targeted. My two friends receive their slice but I do not. I go back up to the counter and look at the man who I had just handed cash to 10 minutes before, and ask, “hey what’s taking so long?” He responds with, ‘you never paid for your slice.’ I stare at him assuming he must be joking, because i literally handed cash to him and looked him in the eye as I did that. Guess they don’t hand you receipts here for a reason, in a lowlife attempt to swindle the customer. I start arguing with him, stating there are cameras in this establishment that will show that i handed my cash to him ten minutes ago. Eventually the man changes the story to, ‘Oh you paid but one of your friends did not and they took your slice.’ Excuse me? If you hand off my slice to someone else that still means that I, as a customer, am still entitled to receiving a slice. I politely ask him to get me my slice which he refuses. Unbelievable. Fact check: all three of us girls paid for our slices. I’m sure it’s caught on camera somewhere. This man literally refused to give me my slice and made me pay a second time just to receive what I had already ordered. Incredibly disgusting that the men in this pizzeria resort to such grimy tactics in an attempt to take advantage of women and swindle extra cash out of them. You can happily have my $6 for a damn slice that should have been $2.75 to begin with - I could not care less about the money as much as I do about the principle and the way that we were treated as customers. Furthermore, it’s more embarrassing on the establishment’s part that they would resort to this behavior just to make a few extra bucks late at night. Needless to say, I will not be returning here. I’ll happily stick to my local dollar slice pizza with employees who deliver consistent service and don’t target female customers and needlessly scam them.

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