Party City en Jersey City

Estados UnidosParty City



🕗 horarios

733, New Jersey 440, 07304, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-432-7400
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.722814, Longitude: -74.0929778

comentarios 5

  • R. Curtis Linfonte

    R. Curtis Linfonte


    The general manager needs to be fired for guilting employees into work through a concussion for this store

  • Zeenat Khan

    Zeenat Khan


    It has a good range of themed goodies... if u have a party of any kind.. u need to visit this place

  • en

    Lola Gayle Patrick-Odeen


    I wanted to order 3 dozen party balloons in pearl for a party. The color I wanted is not represented anywhere and I needed a pic sent to me. In my first conversation with Jasmine who was delightful in trying to help. I was told that the manager would not permit. I called and spoke to Chole the manager to ask why. I was told because of the logo which made no sense then finally she did not have a phone that sends pics. I insisted that someone in the store must have a phone that does. Chloe has Chris call me. He takes the phone and says how can I help you apparently unaware of why he is on the phone. I explain and he reiterates that this is an exception blah blah blah.... and promises to send me the pic. I waited 30 mins. Chris spent that time speaking to other managers he says who said that he could not give out his private number. He did not take the time to call me back upon knowing this. I had to call to find out what happened. Unprofessional and poorly trained group who did nothing at all outside of the boxes they sit in to enable a sale. Party City you need HELP! You lack customer service experience and poor decision making skills. Someone else will get the business.

  • en

    Iroda N.


    Good store. I went there to pick up jumbo baloons for my daughters birthday, the guy who was at the counter filled up not enough air in them so they all got deflated by the time I got home.. very frustrating to pay over 50$ for baloons that are not even inflated properly. 3 stars for inventory they have, not for staff.

  • Smriti Bhatia

    Smriti Bhatia


    Really nice place. You'll usually get what you're looking for. Had many options even for Halloween . The staff is courteous and helpful.

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