Party City w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneParty City



🕗 godziny otwarcia

669, South Route 17, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-652-8888
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.966592, Longitude: -74.0790399

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mindy Waters


    The checkout line was too long. Only 2 cashier

  • en

    Garret Sweetman


    The worst experience I've ever had is with this store, my wallet went missing after I was in the store , after 24 hours I called the store to be told that my wallet was found , the owner and the manager never called to inform me.They had my wallet with drivers license, credit cards and the manager said the reason they didn't try to contact me was because they didn't have my phone number. So poorly handled I had to involve the local police department who stated that all the store needed to do was report the found wallet to the police and they would have contacted me immediately. When I asked the manager if he was ever planning on trying to contact me, he just shrugged his shoulders while his employee found the whole conversation so funny she was laughing at my situation. IT WAS DISGRACEFUL AND UNPROFESSIONAL .Just know if you lose anything of importance at this particular store chances the establishment is going to do NOTHING to make sure you get your belongings back.I will never ever step foot in this store again .

  • en

    Veronica Henriquez


    Very quiet and comfortable place to do shopping!

  • Brian Sinclair

    Brian Sinclair


    They have just about everything you could ever need for a party, in every color and the that you can imagine. If I had one gripe it would be that they generally only have a few people working at any given time and the person in front of me is always ordering like 50 balloons. That means that I always need to wait for that one salesperson to make the 50 balloons before I can buy my stuff.

  • en

    mark Anthony


    Jennifer Sanchez from the imaging dept. is by far the BEST employee in this store. Not only is she friendly and pleasant to deal with but she possess a wealth knowledge in customer relations and will be the only reason I shop at this store. When I needed a banner done quickly she got it to me timely which speaks volume because the other employee in this store without hesitation said it cannot be done. She really deserves a big thank you. Thank you again Jennifer

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