Party City w Euless

Stany ZjednoczoneParty City



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2800, Texas 121, 76039, Euless, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-571-4014
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8763709, Longitude: -97.0963143

komentarze 5

  • Scott Sharp

    Scott Sharp


    They have everything you can image and in many cases, more. The staff are also attentive and helpful.

  • Jack Burgess

    Jack Burgess


    Usually have the biggest selection on the best supplies at the cheapest prices. Alot of times the store prices beat the online prices which works out fantastic. They will have costumes and decorations for Halloween as well when it is in season but hands down they are best for birthday supplies

  • FranX Leung

    FranX Leung


    This place has everything... party supplies that are themed with superheroes, Disney characters, Star Wars, and other characters popular with kids. They also have costumes, all sorts of candy, wedding planning stuff, balloons, greeting cards, seasonal items. You can pretty much plan any party for any theme you want especially for kids. They have tons of knick knack stuff for small gifts and stocking stuffers. Some items are reasonably priced, although some off-brand stuff you can get slightly cheaper at the Dollar Tree right next door. They are sometimes understaffed when it gets busy.

  • en

    Dilpal singh Chhabra


    I went there to replace the broken item I got from the store. The manager was rude and did not honor it properly. Other team members wanted to help me but he has something in his mind.

  • jessica anderson

    jessica anderson


    Always had a great experience here. Just recently the cashiers were very kind in helping me to conceal some gender reveal balloons from my daughter while we shopped and they inflated them and had them taped up inside a box. They were quick to understand what I came in asking for and I will definitely continue to go to them for all my party supply needs.

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