Parts4Laser w Tenafly

Stany ZjednoczoneParts4Laser



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225, County Road, 07670, Tenafly, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 866-444-8883
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.932452, Longitude: -73.960123

komentarze 5

  • en

    Richard F


    Exceptional service, ordered laser part from London UK and it arrived in 36 hours. Big saving on UK price.

  • en

    Diana Joseph


    If I could give a “0”, I would. Ordered hand piece for IPL machine - came in a regular box with bubble wrap, and no serial number - and then wouldn’t work. After six months, got a replacement and THAT one didn’t work either, had same type of packaging, and our laser tech indicated what was supposed to be a brand new hand piece was not. After another few months and a promise of a refund, we were then told they were sending one last replacement. This one DID appear legitimate but still didn’t work, so it was sent back in with the return label that we were told to use if the machine didn’t acknowledge the hand piece. 4 Months later and STILL no refund. Yoram and Joanne and Rodolfo all act like they are going to help, make promises and then stop responding altogether. I guess we chalk this up to a $7500 lesson well learned. Hopefully you don’t make the same mistake!

  • Todd Arnold

    Todd Arnold


    We have used Parts4Laser for several years and have always been satisfied with the work and service they provide. Even if something isn't done correctly the first time (which has only happened once in roughly four years time), they will quickly correct the situation. Everything is done in a timely and professional manner, and they are very aware and responsive to the fact that down time for your laser means lost revenue for you. They are very good at keeping you "in the loop," and have always been responsive to any questions I have had. Given my experiences with other laser repair providers, Parts4Laser is head-and-shoulders above the competition. I strongly recommend them.

  • SpaFit Jericho

    SpaFit Jericho


    SpaFit (located on Long Island in Garden City, Jericho, Hauppauge and Patchogue) MediSpa and Laser Center has been customers of Parts4Laser for long enough to know they are as good as it gets!! From troubleshooting, to any repairs, picking up and dropping off our equipment promptly and efficiently. We love the entire team at Parts4Laser and cannot thank them enough for helping make our business run smoothly! You will not be making a mistake by using Parts4Laser for all your laser aesthetic needs and wants!

  • Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa

    Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa


    Be prepared to get the run-around. This 3rd party repair center does repairs for other 3rd party repair techs (they do not even know that there equipment has been shipped off to this place) and they should let the owners know this is happening (this part of the review is meant for the first repair company - Yesco lasers). I received the handpiece back that was said to be "fully refurbished", of which the cost of repair was close to the price of a new unit. I tried it out immediately - FYI, the 90 day policy, doesn't minus delays re-shipping between them selves (between these two 3rd parties), power on hand piece was very weak still and our medical center was unable to provide services with it correctly, resulting in further losses of business. After being bounced around for 2 months (out of the 125 days it took be to get it re-fixed, they wanted me to spend another large fee to get it functional. Between both companies all-round poor service and professionalism.

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