Parties Alive Entertainment w Kings Park

Stany ZjednoczoneParties Alive Entertainment



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9, Columbine Lane, 11754, Kings Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-360-8600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8792838, Longitude: -73.2340667

komentarze 3

  • Sean Croft

    Sean Croft


    The following is a condensed version of the email we sent to Parties Alive, recapping the numerous mistakes they made on our wedding day. Buyer beware. 1. The PA System for the ceremony was not brought by DJ Eclipse. Luckily, we were able to rectify this by bringing the speakers out of the ballroom, after the initial suggestion of DJ Eclipse to "speak loudly". 2. The ceremony songs played by the string trio, who were booked through you, were all incorrect. The selections were all made off of the String Trio's repertoire sheet, which was not provided before our final meeting and Jacki had to ask for several times before it was finally sent over. 3. EVERY song that was meant to be played when we entered the ballroom for introductions was wrong, despite checking with DJ Eclipse earlier in the day to make sure he had up to date paperwork after the mistake with the PA system. "Dance The Night Away" by Van Halen was to be played when the bridal party entered and instead it was a club remix of some sort of dance music that we couldn't identify, despite us saying we didn't want house music played at all, whatsoever. We cringed at the amount of times we heard "Marry You" that day. It was the type of repetitiveness and cheesiness that we wanted to avoid, to no avail. As two people who met working in radio, song selection was a very important part of personalizing this wedding and for the first half hour of the reception, the music was completely disconnected from who we are as a couple and our guests. When we confronted DJ Eclipse (who doesn't know how to tuck his shirt in despite attending a wedding), he said, in regards to the Van Halen song, "I played it eventually". He wasn't supposed to play it eventually, he was supposed to play it when he was supposed to play it. 4. About half way through dinner, we had to pull our catering director aside and ask her to set our up lighting back to blue because we noticed they were changing colors... the way they would in a club. Any guesses as to how they got that way? If we wanted seizure inducing lighting, we would have bought it through you when you offered it as an up-sell, but we didn't, so your DJ had no business playing with the lights. 5. Sean's parents could barely make it to the dance floor for their own dance before the music was cut short, which we felt to be unfair to them. 6. We recapped with our catering director after we came back from our honeymoon and she mentioned a problem she had as well. She had to request that her staff "keep an eye on him", as they noticed DJ Eclipse make repeated trips to the bar. Not one of our other vendors acted in such a unprofessional, disorganized manner and we regret having Parties Alive grouped in with an otherwise flawless execution of our event. To be clear we are not asking you to give us anything because anything we wanted could have only been given to us that day. We understand that you do this every weekend, however for us we only get to do this once. This goes beyond not getting what you payed for; these are once in a lifetime moments that can't be changed and we don't want it to happen to anyone else.

  • en

    Carmen Pavese


    Parties Alive were fabulous!!! They made my little girls 1st Holy Communion a very memorable and exciting day.... kids as well as adults were very entertained, with all there Props and games...they played all the requested music, and the Video Montage was a tear jerker...Thanks again to Rich, Greg and Mary for making Amberleigh's day so special

  • en

    Laura T.


    Parties Alive was the D.J. at our wedding and they were FANTASTIC!! From the moment we met them, we knew that we wanted them at our wedding. They are professional, knowledgeable, talented, and hardworking. They responded to all of our questions and met with us on several occasions to help plan our special day. They played all of the music we wanted and did everything perfectly! Our guests are still calling us to tell us how fabulous they were! Rich was our MC and Greg was the DJ. They dressed professionally and looked great! Rich spoke very well and knew what to do every step of the way. Greg knew how to read the crowd and play the appropriate songs to keep everyone dancing. We also used a zap photographer (Dan) through Parties Alive and he did a great job taking pictures/video clips of our party and then live streaming it on the big screens- Our guests loved that! Parties Alive also created a photo montage for us using photos from our childhood, dating years etc. The montage was very well done and our guests loved it!! We also used Parties Alive to rent lounge furniture for our venue and it looked beautiful! We loved everything that we hired them for and they made us so happy with their services. Our wedding was special to us for many reasons...and Parties Alive is one of the main reasons why it was so special. We would highly recommend them to anybody who is looking for entertainment.

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