Парквью Ортодонтикс & Дентал w Ridgewood

Stany ZjednoczoneПарквью Ортодонтикс & Дентал


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1200, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-857-5777
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9726171, Longitude: -74.0947297

komentarze 5

  • Ania Carrasco

    Ania Carrasco


    The front desk person is horrible he is so unprofessional. He gets mad and hangs up the phone when he made a mistake and yet he doesn't answer my calls seriously a waste of time going to this practice and they should highly consider getting a more professional front desk person.

  • en

    Marija Cieri


    Modern dental office which is very clean. Staff was professional. The dentist and hygienist were both knowledgeable and thorough. I recommend this office highly!

  • en

    dan claps


    I recently visited this dental office and i cant thank them enough! The staff here is VERY professional. They made sure every question i had was answered regarding my dental treatment and insurance. They try and accommodate you the best they can while doing everything in a timely manner. Overall my experience was GREAT, i would recommend this office.

  • Angela Alba

    Angela Alba


    I would rate the experience no stars if I could. After having my daughters teeth cleaned and being informed that she had a cavity we had to wait almost 4 weeks for an appointment. When we finally did arrive we were informed that they could not perform the service at their office. A pediatric dentist could not do the service? We were then referred to another office (Dental Associates of Lodi) when we arrived we found out that the woman from Park View did not send her X-rays over - and when she was called was rude and made us wait - try making a 5 year old wait for a root canal. Their level of service was non- existent and their skill was less. We then find out that she does not have one cavity - she has multiple. Apparently they can't read X-rays either, but they can rudely make you wait for them by their own error.

  • en

    michelle tejada


    Ive been coming to this dental office since they opened and I love the dental service. The staff members are very helpful and welcoming and the dentist does a great job every time I come in. I love their service. I wouldn't trade them for any other dental office. Overall, the staff members are very professional and know exactly what they are doing. I am 100 percent satisfied with their service

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