Парк штата Бэар Маунтин en New York

Estados UnidosПарк штата Бэар Маунтин



🕗 horarios

Route 9W North, 10911, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-786-2701
sitio web: parks.ny.gov
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.2846114, Longitude: -74.0006445

comentarios 5

  • iLLuminati 0.2 228

    iLLuminati 0.2 228


    Интересное и очень красивое место.

  • en

    Andrea Wilhelm


    Beautiful. Took about an hour and a half to hike up and about 30-45 minutes to come down. Great views both directions (did a loop). Good for dogs (mine is 13lb and had a blast) and not too difficult for novices (though definitely a workout). Didn't find this info easily, so just so you're aware, parking is $10. We went at around 11:30 and there was no one there, but by the time we left (2:30), the parking lot was packed.

  • Aleksander



    клоповник, а хотят как за Хилтон

  • Lisa Greene

    Lisa Greene


    I grew up coming to Bear mountain for picnics, school trips, and hiking. It's still a lovely place to spend the day walking around the lake, going to the zoo, it just driving through. We went to the zoo on this trip. It's still the same, in many ways, that it was when I was little. I feel that they take pretty good care of the small, but interesting, animals that are there. This zoo is a great place to teach kids about what animals live in New York State. It's small enough for the youngest child to do, yet interesting enough for older kids. All in all, I recommend taking a trip here!

  • Щукина Ирина

    Щукина Ирина


    Попали в парк зимой, было холодно и зябко.Но это не испортило впечатление, здесь большая территория, есть зоопарк, красивейшие виды! Хотелось бы вернутся сюда летом, подняться на гору и покататься на велосипеде.

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