Парк Спрейн Ридж i Yonkers

Forenede StaterПарк Спрейн Ридж



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149, Jackson Avenue, 10706, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-231-3450
internet side: parks.westchestergov.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9871145, Longitude: -73.8480913

kommentar 5

  • juancho Achury

    juancho Achury


    I loved this park, the area is absolutely beautiful, we were looking for a place to visit and walk, enjoy the nature, hiking, mountain bike, this is the place, park your car in picnic area 1 or 4 also he park has a big public pool definitely highly recommended!!!

  • en

    Anthony Curanaj


    Absolute trash bike path ....the pool is alr8ght 8f your into rathet hoes. Just being real.... wanna find some ratchet hoes ... this is the place for you... the bike trails are good for a unexpirenced 5 year old

  • en

    Bill Cubellis


    Great place for hiking or biking. Hilly and rocks but drains well. Lots to explore.

  • Richard Alicea II

    Richard Alicea II


    Varied terrain, hills and long stretches of plateau. Not all trails have to be taken the same way. Your new route can be discovered even after many visits to this local favorite. Good access to a parking lot. The water fountains didn't have much pressure, but you are in a wooded area... Can't expect all the amenities.

  • Naval G.

    Naval G.


    Great park for hiking, little gem views all over. Trails can use a little bit more love and care. Can't wait to visit back in the fall.

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