Park Sports Physical Therapy w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePark Sports Physical Therapy



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670, 6th Avenue, 11215, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-369-2560
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6607453, Longitude: -73.9906471

komentarze 5

  • Karen Kohler

    Karen Kohler


    The staff is very nice and very competent. I am pleased with the results of my therapy for a clavicle/shoulder injury and definitely recommend the 6th Ave location.

  • Damon Campbell

    Damon Campbell


    Today is 6 months since I had surgery to repair a ruptured right patellar tendon. Along with my surgeon Dr. Capeci and his staff, Park Sports Physical Therapy has been extremely effective helping to guide me back to health and regular daily activities. I am still recovering and it will be a few more months before I’m fully healthy, but my therapy with Park Sports has definitely expedited my recovery and helped to give me confidence in usage of my knee and leg. The staff at Park Sports is knowledgeable, professional and patient. They have the resources needed to guide you back to health and activity. I highly recommend you consider Park Sports Physical Therapy if you need therapy. Edward, John and Denise will be glad to have you and will take care of you.

  • Ryan Gardner-Cook

    Ryan Gardner-Cook


    Very knowledgeable and helpful staff. Developed an effective regimen to recover from my chronic back issues. I highly recommend their services!

  • en

    Paul Gliedman


    I had a knee replacement and the rehabilitation is crucial to recovery. Ed got me through this difficult period with skill and compassion. I am a physician and found Ed very knowledgeable and I wholeheartedly trusted his advice and judgement throughout the process.

  • en

    Edward Mullen


    Very nice crew at this office. Professional, pleasant and very knowledgeable. I started my outpatient PT with them after my knee replacement and had very good results. I needed to change to a facility closer to my work because of my ridiculous hours. The crew at the new facility were very impressed with how well Park Sports PT (and Edward) had done in improving my left knee function. I can recommend this group without hesitation.

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