Park Ridge Automotive Repair Corporation. w Park Ridge

Stany ZjednoczonePark Ridge Automotive Repair Corporation.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

122, Kinderkamack Road, 07656, Park Ridge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-474-5782
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0328381, Longitude: -74.0349074

komentarze 5

  • en

    JR Alcala


    Best in costumer service, Quality work for a family price....

  • en

    Raj Marappan


    Nice guys. They are honest and most helpful.

  • en

    Dan McEldowney


    Zahid is an awesome, honest and affordable mechanic. He goes way above and beyond to get the job done right. Has saved me thousands and keeps my cars running. Highly recommend!!!

  • khan aj

    khan aj


    Owner Zahid is very honest and fair when it comes to the work and cost (labor). He tells me exactly what's wrong with my vehicle and doesn't try to upsell. He's very helpful as well - My gas tank was leaking and he allowed me to drop my vehicle on a Saturday evening. Depending on the job that needs to be done and parts that need to be ordered, you may get your vehicle back the same day or sometimes up to 3 days. He lets you know in advance so you can make other arrangements.

  • Sathya Sankaran

    Sathya Sankaran


    My headlight had stopped working all of a sudden... It was around the end of the day at work and I went to two different shops in the area who refused to even take a look because their day is "almost' over. I came back to work and called a bunch of mechanics nearby. Zahid, the auto mechanic at this shop was very courteous on the phone and very efficient with the repair work. The job turned out to be tricky since the bulb encasement was stuck and difficult to remove, but Zahid patiently worked through it and replaced it. And, better yet, you cant beat his price!!! I think I've found a new mechanic for future problems.

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