Park Hill Dental Center i Deer Park

Forenede StaterPark Hill Dental Center


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1644, Deer Park Avenue, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-586-7100
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.751996, Longitude: -73.326223

kommentar 5

  • Rakhee Kulkarni

    Rakhee Kulkarni


    Park Hill Dental Center has THE BEST dental hygienist (I think that’s her official title) I have EVERRRRR met: her name is Eva!!! I have the most sensitive teeth and Eva is a magician. I have minimal pain when she does my teeth cleaning. Eva is incredibly knowledgeable & always knows the latest info. She and Dr. Parag Mathur have wonderful bedside manner, they truly care about their patients, and don’t perform excessive/unnecessary treatments and procedures. The entire staff is very friendly as well. I *highly* this practice!

  • Veronica Webb

    Veronica Webb


    I had a great experience yesterday. Hygienist and Dr. were super Great! Made me feel comfortable.

  • en

    merita ahmetaj


    THE WORST !! Made me wait for 2 hours just for them to tell me I have to pay $30 for an X-ray haha I went to my other dentist and my insurance had no problem with it . Then they told me they couldn't remove the tooth that was keeping me from eating or sleeping thanks so much for checking tho I just found out I have an abscess also ! Just horrible service I recommend no one to come to this place seems like they only want your money

  • Demon Dan

    Demon Dan


    Been going here for well over a decade, Dr Mathur is fantastic

  • Corinne Null

    Corinne Null


    Called for info in the 30th and called for appt on the-12 for a appt was told 6 'months for a new patient appt .so why are you taking in new patients no one is waiting 6 months to see a new dentist. Make it make sense you are blocking medicaid patients

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