Park Grove Auto Body en Irvington

Estados UnidosPark Grove Auto Body



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486, Grove Street, 07111, Irvington, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-399-4484
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7405447, Longitude: -74.2122722

comentarios 5

  • en

    janette tarafa


    I have a Story to tell My 2016 Nissan Rouge, when i first bought this car someone hit the front end and damage front end, I trusted the Dealer with the repairs i was so disappointed i had to live with this mess until i got in an incident again. This is when i saw Park Ave Body Shop in Irvington N.J. the reviews are so good im taking my car here and i did i meet Joe Binko the owner he said he make my Car look like i got it out of the dealer i said (WOW HOLY COW) I give Joe the car, when Joe finish with it i wanted to cry for happiness i got my Baby back, Thanks Joe Binko and his professional team. Bring your Claims here. Sincerely Janette 🤗😄❤💋

  • JennMase TV

    JennMase TV


    I absolutely love this place and I love Joe. He was amazing. He fixed my car a few months ago and made it look brand new after an accident and charged me less than what I anticipated. He gave me an estimate and did the job even though the price should have been more due to the fact that I have 3 layer paint on my car. Any other auto body would have spiked the price but Joe kept the price the same. He was also nice enough to fix other small scratches I had on the car from when I bought it for no extra cost as well. I would recommend any and everyone in need of his services to come here. Joe was kind, quick, and fair and I appreciate him and his team for making my car look brand new.

  • Malikah Ali

    Malikah Ali


    At Park Grove your car will be in good hands. Excellent auto body service. My first choice for auto body work. They done an excellent job several times on my vehicle. Do You Know Joe. Well I Do and so should you. Park Grove Auto Body 👍

  • Stacey Chambers

    Stacey Chambers


    Joe Binko is the man and including his crew members. They do awesome work. I am happy to say that I can trust this auto body shop to fix my car with no worries. He was very helpful and the prices are affordable. Thanks for doing great service to my vehicle. Park Auto Body has great customer service skills. Thankyou Park Grove Auto Body

  • en

    patricia gray


    Incredible! Must give credit where credit is due. Joe and team did an amazing job on my car! The car went in with major frontal body damage and came back in immaculate condition (looked brand spanking new... I honestly did not think my car was capable of returning to pre-accident condition but they made it happen). The new bumper/fender/hood was placed and aligned perfectly and the paint color matched the rest of the car. The customer service I received was top notch too. I hope I never need to patronize a body shop again, but at least I know where to go in the event I need to. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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