Парк Абендрот en Порт Честер

Estados UnidosПарк Абендрот



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Порт Честер, Нью-Йорк 10573, США
contactos teléfono: +1 914-939-2354
sitio web: www.portchesterny.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9958072, Longitude: -73.6771186

comentarios 5

  • en

    Chrissy Heffelfinger


    Amazing party here. not pricy and lots of privacy

  • en



    The dog park takes over too much of the park. Especially the hill part where the kids used to be able to snow sled during the snowy days. Not sure who designed it but not a great design. Not much of a poke spot for the Poke hunting. Nice park to hold parties and get togethers. Kids playground is nice. Has a nice large soccer field.

  • Donell Clark

    Donell Clark


    Came for the dog park. Great vibe and kept well in tact.

  • Anne Myles

    Anne Myles


    I drove through unpleasant traffic while on a trip specifically to get this park and arrived to find the entry gate locked. Nowhere did I read that it requires membership or anything like that. Feeling really furious. It looked from the outside like a very nice park.

  • Kassie Rosado

    Kassie Rosado


    Really great place for the dogs. Very clean and lots of space to run!

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