Parisian Spa Institute: A Beauty School w Jacksonville

Stany ZjednoczoneParisian Spa Institute: A Beauty School



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1045, Riverside Avenue, 32204, Jacksonville, Duval County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 904-350-9796
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.3132713, Longitude: -81.6777248

komentarze 5

  • Courtney Lynn

    Courtney Lynn


    Honestly disappointed. Yesterday my appt was at noon. I didn’t get in a chair until 12:30. I paid for a gel mani, which I thought looked great! Second day the polish is off a finger. The pedi, the girl was very new to the school. All that is noticable for me is that she painted my toes. Overall, don’t go if you’re not willing to pay to be a guinea pig.

  • en

    Shanette Parker


    Holy cow at all these responses from the owner!! What the heck?! How cold are heartless could you be??? And just to think I was just about to pay this school 9 Grand in CASH for my tuition! Surely I thought to myself these people would be more compassionate and actually care about you since tuition is already so high! Heck No. I won't be giving these ruthless people a dime! I am shocked and appalled at the behavior of the owner. How can you talk to people like that?

  • en

    Susan Wolfla


    The school is clean and provide awesome services. I have had tattoo eyeliner, microblading and amazing facials. Will continue to use there services.

  • en

    Rochelle Reader


    Just some insight on how a business should reply to their social media reviews: Step 1: Apologize and sympathize in your response to the negative review. Acknowledge the customer's concerns. ... Step 2: Insert a little marketing in your response to the bad review. ... Step 3: Move the conversation offline. ... Step 4: Keep your response simple, short and sweet.

  • Shekinah Johnson

    Shekinah Johnson


    I had a lady named Susie do my full set for me and she was very nice and sweet. It was her first time doing a full set and i could honestly say she did it soooo good!! Mrs Gladys has definitely been a great instructor for her. Mrs Gladys was also there watching over Susie and even giving tips on how to make my full set come out even better. This was my first time getting a full set too and it was a great first time experience. They were very friendly and we had a great conversation while getting my nails done. Thank you ladies!!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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