Paris Salon w Saint James

Stany ZjednoczoneParis Salon



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430, New York 25A, 11780, Saint James, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-686-5500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8782974, Longitude: -73.1688993

komentarze 5

  • Shannon Solis

    Shannon Solis


    I purchased a groupon based on the positive reviews I found. I was surprisingly accommodated with an appt. for a full head of highlights the next day. I had a 4pm appt. and was greeted by the front desk and Deanna without delay. Deanna was my stylist and she did an amazing job. I have very thick, curly, poorly highlighted hair that she was able to manage effortlessly. The highlights look beautiful. In addition, she was extremely personable and hospitable. Deanna is a true professional. I highly recommend the Paris Salon and Deanna.... thank you

  • en

    Sandra Braun


    Rolando always makes me feel beautiful! Very knowledgeable and courteous staff.

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    Alyssa Bellini


    Paris Salon is a full-service salon that is elegantly decorated and very clean. Rolando, the owner, is immensely experienced, knowledgeable​ and skilled. I have always been the type to be anxious when it comes to having someone style my hair, but I fully trust Rolando’s work. He not only gives beautiful haircuts, but he is also an amazing color artist. Most importantly, he cares and goes the extra mile to make sure that you are truly happy with your look. I highly recommend Paris Salon; you will absolutely be in good hands!

  • en

    Sarah Randazzo


    My second time at Paris Salon and once again I couldn't be more satisfied! I absolutely love my hair and am getting so many compliments. I had color, trim, and styled with loose curls. Lourdes and her daughter are so professional and proficient!!

  • Anne Lynch

    Anne Lynch


    My experience at Paris Salon was beyond outstanding. The professionalism, the atmosphere and the finished product were all far beyond my expectations. They have a customer for life and I will recommend them to anyone I can. Sam is remarkably talented and was able to produce exactly the result I wanted. Sam also communicated with me about all the product she used and, as a result, I purchased 2 of them. I can promise you that you will not regret becoming a customer.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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