Parandian Law Firm w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneParandian Law Firm



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1, Barker Avenue, 10601, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-793-2626
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.034885, Longitude: -73.771262

komentarze 2

  • en

    Sheri Neher


    I certainly can attest that the USCIS and green card process is one of the most anxiety producing processes one can go through in life. It is grueling, takes time and the amount of information requested is overwhelming. I literally could not have done it without Kamran Parandian. Not only did they (his office) oversee the paperwork but he was there for us for every question and moment of anxiety especially in the age of Trump. He answered every email, every panicked phone call. He was there for the live interviews. This is not a law office that treats you as just another client. They let you know they understand what is at stake. They treat you as a valuable friend. And, his strategic advice based on years of experience is the absolute reason we ended in success! I not only recommend Kamran but I will be forever grateful! Sheri W.

  • Gina Rotundo

    Gina Rotundo


    Kamran was sent to us by a friend and colleague whom highly recommended his law firm. I am so glad she did. As a small business, we have been using the Parandian Law Firm for the past eight years and have been extremely happy with the legal advice and guidance we have received. Kamran is a very knowledgeable and reliable lawyer. Most importantly, he is an expert in the restaurant business and all of the legal aspects of opening and running a successful establishment. He anticipated areas that needed attention before we could. As a small business, we have a wide range of issues to address and Kamran has been able to advise and resolve all of them, from advising us on starting up of our business to addressing some unexpected issues with our restaurant. The firm immediately understood our business goals and concerns, and took a very proactive stance in protecting our commercial and legal interests. Furthermore, everyone at the firm was always there when we needed them, and when we required a very quick response, they would do whatever it took to meet our deadlines. I have never waited more than an hour to hear back from Kamran, even if he's on the other side of the world. We have worked with other firms and never received such level of service and personal attention. I have absolute trust in Kamran’s intelligence and integrity, and felt that we got the very highest level of service in every way. I strongly recommend him and his firm.

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