Papa John's Pizza w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczonePapa John's Pizza



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241, North Nellis Boulevard, 89110, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-434-5252
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.165791, Longitude: -115.0626466

komentarze 5

  • en

    shawn todd


    They just did me dirty and denied me service for no reason at all when I order here many times a month. Screw whoever the frmale manager is over there. She is a liar and denied me a delivery saying I'm out of the service area but I've been receiving deliveries from this store for months with no problem! I have spent hundreds of dollars there this year. They just lost me

  • On Your Left

    On Your Left


    Ten years ago, I walked in at 8:45pm, and was immediately told that they stop taking orders at 9. I started to order, and was told again that they stop taking orders at 9. I told the guy that it was 8:45, and he replied that they stopped taking orders at 9. I told him again that it wasn't 9 as I pointed at the clock behind and him, and I still had 15 minutes, but he told me to go home and call the order in for delivery. I left and haven't been back since. I also called Papa John's corporate to complain, but they told me their policy was to stop taking orders at 9. Okay.

  • en

    Rodrigo gomez


    I love the service from here. They treat me good and they get my order right! Thanks to Janet and Nancy they make my pizza good!

  • en

    Phillip Beasley


    The staffing at this location is terrible. I wanted the buffalo chicken pizza with no ranch and just extra buffalo drizzle. How is that not possible?

  • en



    The pizza tastes like cheap frozen pizza. Also bad prices. Do not recommend!

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