Papa John's Pizza w Newark

Stany ZjednoczonePapa John's Pizza



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1013, Broad Street, 07102, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-596-6000
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7286498, Longitude: -74.1768085

komentarze 5

  • Richard Tufariello

    Richard Tufariello


    22$ for a mini large pizza with 3 hardly there clumped together toppings... Better going to a local dump and paying 10$ less for disappointment.

  • Nicolette Wilson

    Nicolette Wilson


    This place I will not be ordering from again! The wings had no flavor, and it made my stomach hurt SO BAD. The pizza was cut like the person was lazy, and didn't want to do their job. And they overcharge for food that's not that good $25.47 for a medium pizza and some wings PLEASE! Terrible service never again smh...

  • en

    Liz Hbeltran


    Horrible costumer Services!!! I always place my order online and when I do there’s always something missing specially my soda and when you called to get it delivered they take more than an hour and sometimes they never show up, ohhh and when you want to add something to your online order and call they say you can’t!! it took me 5 minutes to convince the not so nice lady to take my order separetly which was all I want at the first place... and the worst part is that they never apologized for their mistakes. Is so sad because the food is really good and had good quality but the costumer service shadowed the good part. Today was my last order at Papa John’s.

  • Christina Bailey

    Christina Bailey


    2nd time order from here and same issue. Place an order, then wait. No pizza. Now this is after I make a 2nd call because the person that took my order did not get my hotel room number at the Fairfield Inn and Suites. I then make a call back to the store and the manager, Miles answers (I did notice a feed back from a Miles person) stated the driver must have brought the pizza back because the pizza is still here. He tried to call you, don't you have a missed call. No, I do not I replied. Then I just state, I'll come pick it up. He then asks, so how long will it take for you to get here. I was like, i dont know... hold on, Google states 7 mins. So he asked what the order was again. I once again repeat the order. I'll tell you what, I'll make you a new pizza, since "what you ordered is probably cold by now", what did you order again. So I repeat what I had ordered. What a scam!! Never again will I order again from here. I will be making a call to the franchise owner first thing Monday morning! What a shame....

  • Kyle Conner

    Kyle Conner


    Delivered a pizza that was completely black on the bottom. I called and they said they would resend a new pizza. After waiting about 2 hours for an edible pizza, the second pizza was also burnt and black on the bottom. I didn't request a refund, because I simply do not have the time or the energy to deal with the staff. Do not order from this location. There are plenty of other pizza spots to choose from in Newark.

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