PanIQ Escape Room Houston w Houston

Stany ZjednoczonePanIQ Escape Room Houston



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1017, Eagle Street, 77002, Houston, Harris County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 281-974-5400
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7350629, Longitude: -95.3813325

komentarze 5

  • Edna Monfee

    Edna Monfee


    I loved this place... So much fun, and the staff was friendly. It was great! I can't wait to go again.

  • Grant Siluangkhot

    Grant Siluangkhot


    My family and friends had a lot of fun escaping the Wild West room! I really liked how clever some of the puzzles were. Can't wait to do it again. The waiting/lobby area is quite bare; would be cool to have a photo area.

  • Jacqueline Chyr

    Jacqueline Chyr


    Nicest escape room I have been to. There were many interactive puzzles, not just cheap cards and numbers written on walls. I had a great time and plan on returning!

  • en



    Booked a room and no one was in the building when I got there. I called the number but no one answered, there was absolutely NO ONE there even though their website and google says they were open. I waited around for 30 minutes and never got a call and no one showed up! What a waste of time and tolls to get to the place. I had to contact the manager to request a refund because apparently they are fine with just taking your money and not letting you actually in to play the rooms. He just gave excuses about their online system, didn't care about the inconvenience it caused at all. I have done multiple escape rooms at multiple places and have never had such a frustrating experience!

  • Rebekah Brooks

    Rebekah Brooks


    We spontaneously did 2 rooms in one day, because we liked the first one so much. First the Wild West, then the Texas Chainsaw. The puzzles are incredibly high quality, and the stories are good. Denise was a very good game master. The place was hard to find (Apple map location is slightly off?), and it’s rather plain when you first walk in. No matter though, because as soon as you walk into the game rooms they are totally immersive. Loved it.

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