Panera Bread w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczonePanera Bread



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5552, Old Hickory Boulevard, 37076, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 615-889-0784
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1807095, Longitude: -86.6047633

komentarze 5

  • Steve McRae

    Steve McRae


    Ordered dry cappuccino and it was perfect with avocado on toasted bagel. The avo needed seasoning and be spread vs just placed and the toasting was a little underdone for my taste but the service was friendly and nice people so im sure with a few more instructions we'll get there.

  • en

    Shelly Johnson


    I just wanted to give a huge shout out to the Hermitage Panera Bread tonight!!! We had just finished the last of four performances and wanted to have a wrap party to celebrate. We had plans to go to a certain "other" place and a call had even been made the previous night to make arrangements with the manager. However, when our people started showing up they felt less than welcomed and the place did not seem ready to be able to handle our large crew. We scrambled and made a quick call to Panera Bread to see if they would welcome us there instead. They certainly did!!! Our crew of 50+ students and their families headed to Panera and the service was stellar! They welcomed us in, cooked special orders for all of us, tolerated our celebratory volume, and just took the BEST care of us!!! Thank you so much you all for making us feel welcome tonight! We appreciated it so much!!!

  • en

    Jason Hammond


    Do not use delivery. After getting the wrong food tried to call for over an hour, no answers. If you get the wrong food you are stuck with it.

  • en

    Megan Jackson


    Food is fine. The service is horrible! Go to the Panera on Royal Parkway or in Mt. Juliet. It took 37 minutes for them to answer the phone. Kelly the manager is completely clueless, no wonder his staff is terrible.

  • Peter Harris

    Peter Harris


    I eat here a good bit. The staff is quick with the orders and I'm in and out in no time. It helps when you need to get food to go.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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