Panera Bread w Northvale

Stany ZjednoczonePanera Bread



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269, Livingston Street, 07647, Northvale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-784-2160
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0145668, Longitude: -73.9472301

komentarze 5

  • Brendan Hughes

    Brendan Hughes


    Worst Panera I've been in. Coffee counter was a disater of spilled sugar and milk, milk and creamers weren't labeled. Had to wait behind one person for 5 minutes to order a coffee as the counter was under staffed. Good thing I went there to kill time because that's what that stop did.

  • en

    Tim O


    This is one of the best Panera bread I have visited. The service it great. No matter how many people on the line it goes quick. I stop there a few times a week. Very friendly staff.

  • Rpglovertash



    The staff is friendly and the food tastes fresh and delicious. Unfortunately, I can only give 4 stars since the tables definitely needed some cleaning attention when I was there but the staff is very considerate of your needs and they are willing to help with you needs.

  • en

    Brendan Mirque


    Fairly consistent, but always check your take out order BEFORE you get in the car. There's usually a glitch in about 15% of the orders. But as long as you catch it before you leave, they fix things quickly. Service is excellent. Food is very good, management is spot-on.

  • Laura Simina

    Laura Simina


    Probably my favorite Panera location. I loved coming here when I was in college to study, hang out with friends and I’m still coming back whenever I get a chance. There is a fireplace which makes it real cozy in the winter. The team is super nice there. I love Robin! She is very friendly, never gets anything wrong and just makes you feel welcome at Panera. Parking here can be tricky, but other than that this is the best Panera around.

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