Panera Bread i East Meadow

Forenede StaterPanera Bread



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2501, Hempstead Turnpike, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-644-2650
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.725204, Longitude: -73.542323

kommentar 5

  • Glenn Conner

    Glenn Conner


    Friendly service. Sandwich was dry. They didn't ask me about condiments I guess I assumed it would already come in sandwich. Had to add when I got home. Too bad I might have given a 5.

  • Turning Leaf

    Turning Leaf


    Panera food is always fresh and nice! If you're looking for a freshly made sandwich with some soup or a salad, you should definitely eat here. Their bread is amazing, so if they ask what you want on the side, you should go with bread lol. They have great chocolate chip cookies as well. This place in particular is pretty quick moving too in comparison to other Paneras. Can get crowded during meal times though.

  • en

    D M


    The food is ALWAYS good here, service is somewhat fast, never a bad experience.

  • eowyn Ramirez

    eowyn Ramirez


    Sometimes you get good service and sometimes you don't! There's a need for a supervisor to be by the cashiers, just to make sure that they take your order right away. They stop serving breakfast at 10:30am. Which is a bummer. Who orders lunch at 10:30am?? Giving them 3 stars ,just because they now have more variety when it comes to breakfast sandwiches. That is ,if you make it before 10:30am:(

  • Di Ana

    Di Ana


    This location is usually really crowded most of the day. But there's ample parking and plenty of tables and chairs. There's parking behind, with a back entrance too. *Handicap accessibility is good. There's always people coming in and out so there usually is someone there to hold the door open. The thershold is not high either, so it is not difficult if you're using a wheelchair.

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